Would you like to bring Successful Interviewing or the Happiness Habit to your group or organization? We want to talk with you!
We offer a wide variety of entertaining, educational programs tailored to your needs and situation.
Contact Michele Moore and Happiness Habit*
Verizon Blackberry Cellphone: 404-934-1755* or 404-266-2733*
Email - Info at HappinessHabit.com*
(add the @ and omit the spaces!)
And - MicheleMooreHappy1 at GMail.com
(add the @ and omit the spaces!)
We answer all telephone and email queries quickly when we receive them.
If you have trouble contacting us, please document the problems and see:
Contact Update - http://HappinessHabit.TypePad.com/Contact
Contact Update - http://HappinessHabit.TypePad.com/Contact
New York Mailing address:
Michele Moore - NYC Temporary
P.O. Box 1084
New York, New York 10113-1084
Wishing you great happiness,
Michele Moore and the
Happiness Habit Team